Leaving care 16 + services
MK Leaving Care/ 16 Plus Service offer services for young people which comply with the standards and requirements of the Children’s Act, 1989, its Guidance and Regulations, Children’s (Leaving Care) Act, 2000, its Guidance and Regulations, the Governments Quality Protects Modernisation Agenda and the ‘Every Child Matters’ White Paper.

We work to promote and safeguard the health and well-being of young people, working to improve the choices open to them, aiming to support them enhance their personal growth, opportunities and emotional strengths.

We work in partnership with young people, their families and carers and the professionals involved with them. Our aim is to contribute to the assessment of the needs of the young people we work with and support them in agreed actions that improve their life-chances.

We aim to provide an emotionally stable and consistent environment that is physically conducive to the development of the young person, with ongoing guidance and support as agreed in the young person’s Pathway Plan.

We will promote the cultural, religious and ethnic background of all young people from all communities.

We work to help young people understand the impact of their circumstances on their development and the impact of their behaviour on others.

We produce regular reports for formal and informal monitoring and review processes aimed at supporting the young person move towards independence.

Where required we will take firm supportive and interventionist approaches in helping young people face their challenges.

To ensure there is continuous support, we will provide access to advice and guidance at all times, including an emergency telephone line 24 hours.

Who Is the Leaving Care Service For:
Services provided are for young people who are Leaving Care or 16 Plus and have been in Care and who now require accommodation and support in their moving towards Independence.

Accommodation and a variety of levels of support can be provided, according to the young persons assessed needs and as agreed with social services.

This includes intensive support packages for young people requiring particularly high levels of support.

Intensive support to those at the start of their Leaving Care arrangements, whilst settling into their changed circumstances.

Those young people who have specific issues requiring specific support considerations.

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